Search by Image (Recursively, Transparent PNG, #1)
Sebastian Schmieg2011
Search by Image (Recursively, Me)
Sebastian Schmieg2011
I stalk myself more than I should
Sofia Braga2018
Attention Spam
Interface Synergy
Find My Phone
Thalia Kassem2018
Turning The Desktop Into Art
Tina Sauerländer2019
Turning The Desktop Into Art
The platform Casting Screens serves as a digital exhibition space of artistic screencasts – the form of video documentation for our digital lives. This platform investigates multiple questions:
How do artists process and explore digital culture through screen recordings? What is the role and relevance of screencasts as an artistic medium for the depiction of digital culture? In which ways is this relatively young medium being used artistically?
The platform merges the digital exhibition of artworks and theoretical reflections, which examine the topic of Screencasting from various points of view. In these, the different possibilities of interaction between man and machine, the obvious and the speculative in digital works shall become visible.
Die Website ist ein Projekt der Klasse Digitale Grafik der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg (HFBK) im Rahmen der Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU). Anbieter dieses Internet-Auftritts ist nach § 5 TMG der Klasse Grafik der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, gesetzlich vertreten durch den Präsidenten Martin Köttering.
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This piece is inspired by room decor videos commonly found on YouTube. I've been watching beauty and lifestyle YouTube for many years now and have found that most YouTuber's homes and video backdrops start to look the same. The same candles, inspirational quotes and fairy lights grace the backgrounds of these videos. The bedroom is a perfectly curated and crafted space to be recorded. In the video, I turn my desktop into a bedroom-like backdrop, pulling from the Internet to find the same minimalist decor from these videos.
Molly Soda was born in 1989 in San Juan, Puerto Rico and currently lives in New York. She received her B.F.A in Photography and Imaging from Tisch School of Arts, New York University in 2011. Soda uses a variety of social media platforms to host her work, allowing the work to evolve and interact with the platforms themselves. She is interested in Internet archival practices, often making work that appropriates her own image, particularly her early interactions with the Internet as a teenager. Soda is the co-editor of Pics Or It Didn't Happen: Images Banned From Instagram and is the recipient of the Lumen Prize Founder's Award for her collaborative augmented reality installation Slide To Expose. Previous solo shows include; Me and My Gurls, Annka Kultys Gallery, London (2018); I’m just happy to be here, 315 Gallery, Brooklyn (2017); and Thanks for the Add, Leiminspace, Los Angeles (2017). She has participated in several group shows internationally. Recent group shows include Eye to I: Self Portraits from now 1900 to Today, National Portrait Gallery, D.C. (2018); seeping upwards, rupturing the surface, Art Gallery of Mississagua (2018); Virtual Normality: Women Net Artists 2.0, Museum der bildenden Künste (2018); digital_self, Irish Museum of Modern Art (2017); and Your Digital Self Hates You, Stadt Bern (2016).