Search by Image (Recursively, Transparent PNG, #1)
Sebastian Schmieg2011
Search by Image (Recursively, Me)
Sebastian Schmieg2011
I stalk myself more than I should
Sofia Braga2018
Attention Spam
Interface Synergy
Find My Phone
Thalia Kassem2018
Turning The Desktop Into Art
Tina Sauerländer2019
Turning The Desktop Into Art
The platform Casting Screens serves as a digital exhibition space of artistic screencasts – the form of video documentation for our digital lives. This platform investigates multiple questions:
How do artists process and explore digital culture through screen recordings? What is the role and relevance of screencasts as an artistic medium for the depiction of digital culture? In which ways is this relatively young medium being used artistically?
The platform merges the digital exhibition of artworks and theoretical reflections, which examine the topic of Screencasting from various points of view. In these, the different possibilities of interaction between man and machine, the obvious and the speculative in digital works shall become visible.
Die Website ist ein Projekt der Klasse Digitale Grafik der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg (HFBK) im Rahmen der Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU). Anbieter dieses Internet-Auftritts ist nach § 5 TMG der Klasse Grafik der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, gesetzlich vertreten durch den Präsidenten Martin Köttering.
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Search by Image (Recursively, Transparent PNG, #1)
2011Sebastian Schmieg00:00
Search by Image (Recursively, Transparent PNG, #1)
"Search by Image" is a series of algorithmic videos based on the automated execution of Google’s search by image functionality. The process of generating a video begins by entering an image into the reverse image search engine, which is designed to find identical copies of a given image. New images are automatically selected from the list of visually similar images, then re- entered into the same search engine, generating a recursive search process. "Search by Image (Recursively, Transparent PNG, #1)" begins with an empty image, "Search by Image (Recursively, Me)" with a photo of the artist.
Sebastian Schmieg’s work engages with the algorithmic circulation of images, texts and bodies within contexts that blur the boundaries between human and software, individual and crowd, or labor and leisure. At the centre of his practice are playful interventions into found systems that explore hidden – and often absurd – aspects behind the glossy interfaces of our networked society. Schmieg works in a wide range of media such as video, website, installation, artist book, custom software and lecture performance.
Schmieg’s works have been shown at, among others, The Photographers’ Gallery, London; Rhizome, New York; Transmediale, Berlin; NRW-Forum, Düsseldorf; Panke Gallery, Berlin. He lives and works in Berlin and Dresden.