Search by Image (Recursively, Transparent PNG, #1)
Sebastian Schmieg2011
Search by Image (Recursively, Me)
Sebastian Schmieg2011
I stalk myself more than I should
Sofia Braga2018
Attention Spam
Interface Synergy
Find My Phone
Thalia Kassem2018
Turning The Desktop Into Art
Tina Sauerländer2019
Turning The Desktop Into Art
The platform Casting Screens serves as a digital exhibition space of artistic screencasts – the form of video documentation for our digital lives. This platform investigates multiple questions:
How do artists process and explore digital culture through screen recordings? What is the role and relevance of screencasts as an artistic medium for the depiction of digital culture? In which ways is this relatively young medium being used artistically?
The platform merges the digital exhibition of artworks and theoretical reflections, which examine the topic of Screencasting from various points of view. In these, the different possibilities of interaction between man and machine, the obvious and the speculative in digital works shall become visible.
Die Website ist ein Projekt der Klasse Digitale Grafik der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg (HFBK) im Rahmen der Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU). Anbieter dieses Internet-Auftritts ist nach § 5 TMG der Klasse Grafik der Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, gesetzlich vertreten durch den Präsidenten Martin Köttering.
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Informationen zum Copyright: Der Inhalt dieser Webseiten ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Abbildungen und fotografischen Bilder auf der Webseite dürfen nicht ohne Genehmigung übernommen, vervielfältigt und verbreitet werden.
One of the most frustrating aspects of surfing the early Internet certainly as the experience of ending up on broken web pages, marked by empty boxes and tiny red crosses. In Ruins Restored 20 broken Homepages found in the GeoCities archive could help to a late revival through research and restoration skills.
Monique Faye Baier (26), currently in the final phase of degree, is focusing her research on technology acceptance and user experience of speech interaction. Before studying M.A. in Media Research at University of Media (HdM) in Stuttgart, she accomplished the B.A. in New Media at Merz Akademie Stuttgart, where Ruins Restored was created. Monique works at Fraunhofer IAO Stuttgart in the field of HCI (human-computer interaction), especially interaction design and technologies, where she can express her interest in research and development in a creative and also applications-oriented way. She is prototyping and testing web applications as well as virtual and augmented reality use cases. Besides spending her time programming and writing scientific papers about studies that she conducted herself, she likes to go bouldering, skiing and drinking a lot of good coffee.